Best Web Hosting for Digital Downloads

The 5 all-time platforms to host and sell digital downloads

Looking for the best platform to sell digital downloads or offer them for free? Cheque out this guide to get the skinny on the top 5 platforms for creators.

Finding a platform to host your digital downloads is easy.

Finding the right platform for yous, on the other hand . . . that'southward an entirely dissimilar abortion.

One that we promise to brand easier today with our roundup of the top five platforms to host your free or paid digital downloads.

In this article, we'll assist you lot get downwardly to the bottom of:

  • What features does each digital download platform offering? Are they a one-flim-flam-pony, or practice they have the features to brand your free digital goods thrive, or even better, uplift your paid offerings?

  • Who is each digital download platform all-time for? One-size-fits-all doesn't work in habiliment, and it definitely doesn't work in business, either. What works for one creator is non guaranteed to work for the adjacent.

  • Can you take each digital download platform out for a free spin earlier you lot commit? Picking the best platform to sell online or offer gratis goods is hard plenty without losing money from the get-get.

  • How much does each digital download platform cost on a monthly or almanac basis? Selling digital downloads or offering them every bit lead magnets won't help your bottom line if fees consume y'all out of business firm and home.

  • Do those digital download platforms deliver enough value for their cost? Certain, everyone likes a low price tag, but higher price tags often -- rightly -- come with more capabilities. If you lot're paying a premium, you lot should be getting a premium feel.

We've got a lot of basis to cover today, so without further ado, permit's swoop right into your first option.

Platform #i: SendOwl

SendOwl bills itself equally a great choice for both new and established companies getting into digital products.

And it's truthful -- SendOwl gives creators a whole host of features.

Creators can sell physical and digital products, services, subscriptions, and memberships (when integrated with a membership tool). You tin can besides drip your content over time with SendOwl.

Upselling, discounts, and a congenital-in affiliate system can encourage more product sales, every bit well. SendOwl also offers pay-what-yous-want (PWYW) pricing so customers tin make up one's mind what price they'll pay.

Besides PWYW, SendOwl offers a mobile-ready checkout and so users tin can nab your digital downloads on the become. If yous're selling digital products in addition to giving them away, you can collect sales using Apple Pay, Bitcoin, PayPal, or credit cards.

Basically, SendOwl offers features that digital production greenhorns and one-time hats tin can use to encourage digital production sales.


  • Accept payments with Apple Pay, Bitcoin, PayPal, or credit cards

  • Tin can sell to customers through your blog or website, email, or social media

  • Congenital-in affiliate system

  • Discounts, upselling, and pay-what-you-desire pricing

  • Client gifting

  • Customers are shown checkout pages in their native language

Who it's best for:

  • Anyone looking for a platform they tin hook up to their e-mail service provider (ESP) or membership tools

  • People on the chase for sales-boosters such as upsells, discounts, and affiliate marketing

Complimentary trial:

  • SendOwl offers a 30-day gratuitous trial (no credit card required)


  • For the Standard programme, your pricing runs from $nine-39

  • For the cocky-hosting plan, you're looking at $19-79

  • And for the Subscription programme, you'll clock in at $24-99

Platform #2: Gumroad

Gumroad is one of the most popular selling platforms for creators.

With Gumroad, creators tin offer physical products and put up digital products to sell on the same platform.

Creators tin likewise hire films, generate license keys for software, and sell a product in multiple formats. Gumroad as well has some congenital-in above-prevention features to protect your digital downloads from piracy and theft.

Gumroad doesn't disappoint in terms of sales features, either. Makers tin can sell in multiple currencies and use discounts to encourage sales.

Look, whatever your medium, chances are you can sell your products through Gumroad. Gumroad comes with mounds of rich features that allow creators to set sophisticated websites and sell to customers worldwide.


  • Can sell your products in multiple formats, such as PDF and ePub

  • Offer subscriptions and memberships

  • Can hire your films to customers

  • Generate license keys for software

  • Charges sales tax

  • Pay-what-you-want feature

  • Affiliate programs

  • Limit product sales by country

Who information technology's best for:

  • People trying to figure out how to sell an ebook will rejoice on Gumroad, as their multi-format feature allows you to deliver your goods in every ebook format yous need.

  • People who prefer to pay-as-they-go for their digital download platform rather than dues upwards on an upfront cost every month regardless of their sales.

Costless trial:

  • No, but Gumroad offers a free business relationship


  • Gumroad costs $108 per year or $ten per month

  • Gumroad takes viii.5% + $0.thirty USD from every sale from a gratis account

  • Gumroad takes 3.v% plus $0.30 USD for every auction from a premium business relationship

Platform #3: SamCart

Worried that having multiple pages in the checkout process is hurting your sales?

So SamCart could be a proficient option.

You can display and sell products from one folio using the platform's drag-and-driblet builder, and there's no limit to how many pages you can make. Or, for that thing, how many digital products y'all tin sell.

Entrepreneurs can share their websites on Facebook, Instagram, and email, to name only a few places.

SamCart also offers a ton of features to maximize sales. Ane-click upsells can convince customers to purchase more products or a more than expensive production. You can give your upsell sales a further heave by using upsell A/B testing.

Plus, SamCart integrates with over 750 services with Zapier, so y'all'll confront few limitations for building your marketing stack (if yous want one, of course).


  • Unlimited pages, templates, and products

  • Can deploy your site on multiple platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and electronic mail

  • Customizable payment plans

  • Create an affiliate center for your business

  • Ane-click upsells

  • Upsell A/B testing

  • Integrates with multiple tools, including over 750 with Zapier

  • Smart pixel tracking

Who it's best for:

  • Creators who are looking for i-page product pages that are optimized for sales out-of-the-box

  • People with established audiences who desire to add together some more bells and whistles to their product pages to increase their boilerplate order value

Gratuitous trial:

  • SamCart offers a 14-day credit card-required gratuitous trial


  • The lowest-paid programme starts at $49 per month

  • The highest-paid plan starts at $199 per calendar month

Platform #4: Easy Digital Downloads

If you lot're a WordPress user, you've probably heard of Easy Digital Downloads. Information technology'd be difficult not to.

You lot tin can sell a number of digital products with Piece of cake Digital Downloads, including ebooks, PDFs, subscriptions, and fifty-fifty WordPress plugins.

Like shooting fish in a barrel Digital Downloads supports shopping cart functionality so your customers tin purchase multiple items at once, too. The included upselling and cantankerous-selling features should give your cart some extra oomph on superlative of that.

With Easy Digital Download'southward customer management functionality, you can track important information about your customers' ownership activeness. This can aid you lot send more than targeted marketing promotions to customers.

Finally, makers can likewise set up file download limits and expiring links to prevent unwanted distribution.

Listen, if you're a WordPress user and that'south where yous want to stay, it's hard to beat Like shooting fish in a barrel Digital Downloads' rich library of features. We don't recommend WordPress to sell online courses, just for digital downloads, it has some potential.


  • Unlimited file downloads

  • Sell subscriptions (on certain plans)

  • Upsell and cantankerous-sell from product pages

  • Create a multi-vendor market place

  • Tin let customers download something infinitely or set limits

  • Can set link expiration time and limits

  • Customer account pages

  • Tin sign customers upward to your ESP later on they've checked out

Who it'southward best for:

  • Creators who adopt using WordPress to run their business website and sales

  • Those who don't want to sell or provide anything to their audience beyond digital downloads. This tool is a little scrap of a one-play a joke on-pony in both the best -- and worst -- ways

Costless trial:

  • Piece of cake Digital Downloads is free to download


  • The lowest-paid plan is $99 per yr

  • The highest-paid program is $499 per yr

Platform #5: Podia

We'll make no bones nearly it: nosotros are absolutely biased well-nigh this one, simply that doesn't mean our platform is the best for anybody.

We want yous to choose the best platform for y'all, whether that'southward usa or someone else.

If you lot'd like to compare Podia head-to-caput with the platforms in this listing and more, you tin check out our Podia alternatives page to larn more.

Otherwise, if you'd prefer a platform that won't put caps on your potential and sales and want to join the likes of Justin Jackson and Tiffany Williams, and so we're an option worth considering.

Creators can sell unlimited online courses, memberships, and digital downloads on Podia.

You won't need to pay commissions, video hosting fees, or any other hidden costs.

For digital downloads in detail, you can offer free downloads as atomic number 82 magnets, upsell them, or sell them as individual products.

Besides hosting your products, you lot can create branded sales pages that convert visitors into satisfied customers.

For extra marketing and sales opportunities, you can build your email list with Podia and use our built-in customer messaging tool for customer service, to nurture leads and validate product ideas.

And if y'all need any help, our alive client support team volition lend a helping hand. Our customers have a lot to say about our support team, and it's 1 of the biggest reasons people choose Podia.


  • No product, sales, or customer caps

  • Sell online courses, memberships, and digital downloads

  • Free hosting and migrations from other platforms

  • No limits on membership plans and tiers

  • Packet products with your membership, courses, or digital downloads

  • Customizable homepage, product pages, and sales pages

  • Send email newsletters and drip campaigns

  • Upselling and cross-selling functionality

  • Live client support

Who it's best for:

  • Creators looking to manage their production pages and website from ane simple dashboard instead of ix widget dashboards.

  • Those who plan to expand across digital downloads and branch into other info products like memberships, webinars, and online courses.

Free trial:

  • Podia offers a 14-day no-hassle gratuitous trial. Get started today.


  • The Mover plan is $390 per twelvemonth or $39 per month

  • The Shaker programme is $890 per year or $89 per month

Host gratuitous digital downloads on platforms that can support your business organisation' growth

Whether you lot're hosting free digital downloads or selling paid products, you lot need a platform that can aid achieve your business aims.

Some of the most digital-download-friendly platforms for small-scale creators include:

  • SendOwl if you want to sell digital and physical products, services, subscriptions, and memberships

  • Gumroad if you'd prefer to pay-as-you lot-become for the sales yous make (and not the ones you don't)

  • SamCart if you want to host and sell your products from one page and use social media to directly sell to customers

  • Easy Digital Downloads if you lot're a WordPress user looking for a versatile digital download tool

  • Podia for creators who want to offer free and paid digital downloads, online courses, memberships, and more

Each of these platforms is fantastic in their own right, just no guide can tell you which 1 is exactly correct for you. To find that out, y'all have to try them for yourself.

Hopefully, with this list of five platforms to host your digital downloads, we've fabricated that journeying a lot shorter. Good luck.

Near the author

Taylor Barbieri was a content writer for Podia, an all-in-one platform where online courses, digital downloads, and communities scale with their creators. Taylor enjoys learning strange languages, fiction writing, and pugs (in no particular order).


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